Athletic Director


More Questions about Academic Requirements

Here are some questions you may still have after reviewing the previous sections.

Q: How do I know which courses are core courses?

A: You may view your high school’s list of NCAA-approved core courses at                                      (On the General Information page of that Web site, select List of Approved Core Courses). Or, you can ask your high school counselor for the list.

Q: May courses taken in eighth grade satisfy core-course requirements?

A: No. Courses taken in eighth grade will not satisfy core-course requirements.

Q: What is the lowest grade that will be used for a course to count as a core course?

A: The lowest grade is D.

Q: How is my core-course GPA calculated?

A: Your core-course GPA is the average of your best grades achieved for all required core courses. If you have taken extra core courses, those courses will be used in your GPA, only if they improve your GPA.

Q: Will courses taken after my senior year meet core-course requirements?

A: For Division I, no. Only courses completed in grades nine through 12 will qualify as core courses for Division I. Courses taken in summer school after your fourth (senior) year cannot be used. If you are missing one or more core courses after high school graduation, you must return to your high school during its regular academic year to take any missing courses and you can’t enroll in a Division I college until the fall of the following year. For Division I, you may also retake any core course during that additional year at the same high school and substitute the new grade earned in that repeated year to recalculate your grade-point average. For Division II, yes. All core courses completed before your full-time enrollment at a Division II college may be used by the clearinghouse. For Division I students with diagnosed disabilities, yes. If you have a properly diagnosed and documented disability, as described on page 13, you may use one or more core courses completed after high school but before full-time enrollment in college. See page 13 for more information.

Q: May independent-study, Internet and correspondence courses count as core courses?

A: Yes, if the following four conditions are met:

The course meets core-course requirements (see pages 9 and 10);

You and the instructor have access to each other during the course so that the instructor can teach, evaluate and provide assistance to you;

Appropriate academic authorities evaluate your work according to the high school’s academic policies; and

The course is acceptable for any student to take and is placed on your high school transcript.

Q: Do pass-fail grades count?

A: Yes, these grades may satisfy your core-course requirements. The clearinghouse will assign your high school’s lowest passing grade for a pass-fail class.

Q: May college courses count as core courses?

A: Yes, a college course may be used as a core course if it is accepted by your high school and if the course:

Would be accepted for any other student;

Is on your high school transcript (Division I only), any college transcripts should also be sent to the clearinghouse, and

Meets all other requirements for a core course.

Q: How are courses taken over two years counted?

A: A one-year course that is spread over a longer period of time is considered one course and will receive a maximum of one core-course credit. (Example: Algebra 1, spread over two years, would receive one unit of credit.)

Q: How does the NCAA treat courses similar in content?

A: Some approved core courses might be considered duplicates. That is, the content of one course is the same as that of another, even though the classes might have different titles. If you have taken two classes considered to be duplicates, you will receive only one core-course credit (typically for the course with the higher grade). Please ask your high school counselor if you have questions about duplicate courses.

Q: Do courses for students with disabilities count as core courses?

A: Yes. If you have a diagnosed disability, you may use courses designed for students with disabilities to meet NCAA core course requirements. These courses must appear on the high school’s list of approved core courses for a student to receive NCAA credit for the course. These courses must be similar in content and scope as a regular core course offered in that academic area. Check with your high school counselor.

Q: Will credit-by-exam courses meet core-course requirements?

A: No. Courses completed through credit-by-exam may not be used.

Q: Are vocational courses acceptable?

A: No. Traditional vocational courses (e.g., typing, auto mechanics, driver’s education and health) are not acceptable.

Q: May my study in a foreign country help me meet core course requirements?

A: If you attended a secondary school outside the United States for all or part of grades nine through 12, different evaluation procedures will be applied to your international education documents. You must register with the clearinghouse if you completed course work outside the United States and you must submit original-language documents with certified translations for clearinghouse evaluation.