Wright Nissan

Infectious Disease

MRSA Infections/Department of Health Recommendations

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has released information on how to deal with MRSA infections.  General recommendations and other information on MRSA  including spread, treatment, and prevention and control are available on the PADOH fact sheet.  The Allegheny County Health Department has also issued guidelines for the treatment of MRSA.  Click on the following link for more information:   (http://www.achd.net/mrsa/MRSAMain.html)   Click here for more information from the PA Dept. of Health!

Athletic Director/Infectious Disease Prevention Guidelines

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association has released a set of guidelines of precautions for the prevention of the spread of communicable and infectious diseases.  Due to the nature of competitive sports at the high school level, there is an elevated risk of infectious diseases being spread by skin-to-skin contact.   Click here for more information!