All Skills Summer Recreation Program Registration Is Open
The All Skills Summer Recreation Program is open to students who are enrolled in the North Allegheny School District (this includes Home School and Cyber students but is not open to students in the District who attend private or parochial schools).
The following programs are being offered this summer: Football (Grades 10-12), Freshman Football, CMS/IMS Football (Grades 7-8), MMS Football (Grades 7-8), Boys Volleyball (Grades 9-12), Girls Volleyball (Grades 9-12), Field Hockey (Grades 9-12), Field Hockey (Grades 6-8), and Field Hockey (Grades K-5).
The cost of each program is $70.00. For a schedule of times and dates, click here.
To access Family Id to register and submit payment for the Summer Recreation program, click here.