Boys Track & Field – Virtual Senior Day

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In honor of our senior student-athletes, the North Allegheny Athletic Department presents “Virtual Senior Day” for the North Allegheny boys’ track and field team. Thanks to the outstanding effort of the North Allegheny track and field boosters, here is a compilation of biographies and player photos for the seniors on the 2020 roster. You may click on each player’s photo to view an even larger image of his senior picture. Additionally, below is a Senior Tribute Video for both boys’ and girls’ track and field that was created and edited by Stephanie Fiedler. Thank you to everyone who assisted on this project and congratulations to the Senior Class of 2020.

Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

College Choice: Case Western Reserve University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Keep working hard. You never know what you might be able to accomplish.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Watching Coco on the way back from states.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “I’m fine with you guys making 4×4 teams, but let’s try not to make the refs quit this time.”

Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

College Choice: Northeastern University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Cherish every moment. It goes by fast.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Breaking the 4xMile record with the boys.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Roy, quit playing Dogeminer.”


Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

College Choice: Bucknell University (Music Education Major)

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: There is no other team like this one. Together we are a family.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: My favorite memory was winning the WPIAL championship with all of my friends.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Make hay when the sun shines.”

Years on the Team: Grade 12

College Choice: Air Force Academy

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Winning WPIALs.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “We teach all types of skills here at track.”




Years on the Team: Grade 12

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Work hard and play harder.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Tenth grade Saturday vaulting.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “During his freshman year he might’ve been smaller than me.”




Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

College Choice: North Carolina State

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Make the most of every day.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: State trips.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “I’m gonna flip my stack!”



Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Take your runs and workouts seriously because if you stay dedicated to this sport, you will be surprised how successful you can be.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: I would say my favorite memory was doing the runs with the boys these four years.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “I’m about to flip my stack!”


Years on the Team: Grades 11-12

College Choice: Purdue University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: I would say take advantage of the coaching you gave at NA. At NA, the coaches care and helped me improve.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Getting to be a part of such a great team and going to team WPIALs.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Thursday joke days are the best.”

Years on the Team: Grades 9-12

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Make sure you have the right shoe so you don’t get shin splints.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Sophomore joke Friday.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Never give up hope!”



Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

College Choice: University of Pittsburgh

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: As long as you make every day productive, you will find success.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: After a successful meet in Edinboro, late into the night, all of the boys gathered in the back of the bus. With Mickey D’s in the hand and NAV in the air, we bumped.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “We haven’t had a very good relationship.”

Years on the Team: Grades 8-12

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Never tap out because you’ll end up making some lifetime memories at NATF.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Witnessing Coach Nieri roast Jacob Pan for not taking core seriously.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Warm up your tiger meat.”


Years on the Team: Grades 8-12

College Choice: Youngstown State (Civil Engineering Major)

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Always train the hardest at what you’re weakest at and nothing is ever impossible when it comes to performing in track.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Spending time with the high jump gang and Coach Steiny!

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Get better every day!”

Years on the Team:
Grade 12

College Choice: John Carroll University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Listen to your coaches and follow their instructions.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Hanging out with teammates.



Years on the Team:
Grades 11-12

College Choice: Slippery Rock University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Don’t forget to enjoy the little things like practicing with friends.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Hanging out with friends at the Baldwin Invite.



Years on the Team:
Grades 8-12

College Choice: Arizona State University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Online resources and coaches can be extremely helpful during the offseason. For throwers, the circles are always open on weekends and over breaks. Use that to your advantage as much as possible. It’s a hard event repetition will get you far. And of course, JOIN THE THROWING TEAM. The throwers are a family and they are some of the best friends you’ll have throughout your high school years.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: 2018 team WPIALs, going to Rita’s with the throwers and many more.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “It’s a great day to be a Tiger.”

Years on the Team: Grade 12

College Choice: Ohio State University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Always work hard and try your best in every practice and race.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Spending time with friends.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “Don’t’ tap out!”


Years on the Team: Grades 7-12

College Choice: Purdue University

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: Try different events but don’t break your wrist pole vaulting.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: Tenth grade Saturday vaulting.

What is your favorite quote from a coach: “During his freshman year, he might’ve been smaller than me.”

Years on the Team:
Grades 11-12

What advice would you give to a freshman new to NATF: The individual effort is a requirement. However, bonds and memories formed with your teammates are what makes NATF the great team it is. Enjoy the moments.

What is your favorite memory from NATF: When I tried to full spin on discus and ended up hitting the cage/net’s support and making a huge dent in it.



Years on the Team:
Grades 9-12








Biographies and photos were not submitted by the following seniors:

Kabilan Balasubramani (Grades 9-12)
Adam Balkey (Grade 12)
Percise Colon (Grades 9-12)
Christian Georgiadis (Grade 12)
Saishashank Survi (Grades 9-12)
William Zeisler (Grades 9-12) – Photo only/no bio submitted.